Building for the future at ETH: The latest issue of “life” is out

The ETH Zurich never pauses for breath. It is always being renovated, built, and modernised. The December issue of “life” magazine provides an overview of the planned new buildings and renovations at the H?nggerberg and Zentrum campuses.

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ETH Zurich is currently planning numerous construction projects. (Illustration: Patric Sandri)

New apartment buildings for students, two new cafeterias and a redesigned forecourt for the ETH main building are just a few of the current construction projects at the H?nggerberg campus and around the ETH Zurich Zentrum site. This issue of “life” highlights what is being planned where, and also gives an update on the process of returning certain buildings to their original residential purpose.

President of the Association of Students at ETH Zurich (VSETH) Kay Schaller and president of the Academic Association of Scientific Staff at ETH Zurich (AVETH) Florian Th?le also discuss work, commitment and the sense of community at ETH Zurich in a joint interview.

The results of the gender monitoring study are presented in the “Insight” section. Three successful women explain from their perspective what is working well at ETH Zurich and what could be improved.

Other topics include the LISA Pathfinder satellite, which was sent into space two weeks ago, the ten-year anniversary of the “Urban Portrait”, as well as ETH Zurich’s budget for the coming year.

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AVETH president Florian Th?le (left) and VSETH president Kay Schaller. (Photo: ETH Zürich/Gian Marco Castelberg)
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